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Consensus, thorybos and deliberation in the Athenian Assembly

Mirko Canevaro(Edinburgh)

This paper examines the deliberative credentials of Athenian democracy. Much scholarship has investigated ancient Athens as a successful (or less successful) example of participative democracy and has stressed the importance of collective deliberation to its political system. Building on this scholarship, the paper explores whether the Athenians subscribed to, and implemented in their institutions of political decision-making, deliberative ideals and a commitment to consensus compatible with those central to modern literature on deliberative democracy in political theory. After a survey of relevant studies of deliberative vis-à-vis participative democracy, with a discussion of the pitfalls of plebiscitary forms of democracy to which ancient direct democracy is often compared, the paper discusses the deliberative setup of Athenian political decision-making, concentrating on Assembly procedures; the ideas that speakers and the public explicitly upheld in their conduct in the Assembly, investigated through a close reading Assembly accounts and normative statements in the orators (particularly in Demosthenes Prooimia); finally it examines an example of protracted Assembly debate—that on the Sicilian expedition—to make the case that Athenian political decision-making strived to fulfil deliberative ideal for the purpose of creating legitimacy, whether or not the outcome of democratic deliberation turned out to be effective policy choices.


佐藤 昇(神戸大学)




岸本 廣大(同志社大学)


Stories of decline in ancient Greek historiography:Herodotus and the Near Eastern tradition

Antigoni Zournatzi (National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens)

In studies of ancient historiography, writing about decline is especially associated with the works of authors who dealt with the fortunes of Rome. However, ancient, like modern, thought could seemingly spontaneously associate decline with major social and political turning points. Basic themes of decline also visibly enjoyed a wider currency, being constantly redefined to express the values and concerns of the different historical periods and societies to which they apply and the positions of different authors.

This presentation considers notions of decline that are embedded in Herodotus’ Histories, and more specifically in his Medo-Persian logos, with reference to two major political transitions in first-millennium BC Asia: namely, the transition from the rule of the Assyrians to that of the Medes, and from the rule of the Medes to that of Cyrus the Great and the Persians. It submits that the formulations of these notions in the work of Herodotus adhere closely to concepts engendered in ancient Iranian political and religious thought, and that they also refer us, simultaneously, to basic tropes of decline that are attested in the earlier Mesopotamian tradition. In this instance, interconnections between Herodotean and Near Eastern patterns of historical reasoning emerge from consideration of an ancient Mesopotamian literary text about the fall of the principal city of the third-millennium BC kingdom of Akkad, and first-millennium BC royal inscriptions that relate to the sack of Babylon by the Neo-Assyrian monarch Sennacherib and this city’s subsequent restoration by Sennacherib’s successor, Esarhaddon.


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